
“Harbor Haven has a reputation for being the place everybody wants to go to, and – after being there – I can certainly see why that is. The care is exceptional. The food is great. You feel very cared for. The people were lovely. The residents were great. The staff were terrific. I couldn’t think of a better place to be.” – JG


“[Dad] being at Harbor Haven was where he needed to be. My family was extremely happy with everybody there, as well as my dad. Nothing by attaboys for you; you’re fabulous.” – Family of MB


“Harbor Haven is the best, the best in the world! Oh my God, it saved me. I couldn’t even make up a complaint, not even anything to work on.                      Perfect, just perfect!” – JH


“I hear the Harbor Haven commercial in the morning and I would highly recommend it to all of my friends. I would give it a 10, and if anybody asks where they should go, I’m going to tell them go to Harbor Haven.” – LA


“The people there were so nice to me, and I was so grateful. I really appreciated everything you did for me. And the therapy was wonderful!” – LB


“I wanted to take the opportunity to tell you how wonderful the staff are to residents as well as family members. Mom spent several years [there] and it was a happy time as it never felt like she was living in a facility where people ‘worked’ but rather had a commitment to ‘caring’ for the residents. …it was always a blessing knowing that mom was treated kindly and well cared for even when family aren’t there daily.” – Family of LA


“We are so, so grateful for the care that she got there. It was absolutely fantastic, and I just want everyone to know that I just think the world of the whole staff!” – Family of AG


“You guys have a beautiful place there. You people did everything right. I’ve been in nursing homes in Fond du Lac, and I tell you what, I’ll come to your place anytime!” – JR


“I think that being in Harbor Haven, with the kind of people you hire and who work there, from the cleaning on up, they are so positive. It makes you want to get better, not only for yourself but for them too, because they are rooting you on. That’s so important. I can see why people want to come by you, I honestly can!”      -KS


“I call your place Harbor Heaven. You guys are fantastic. I can’t thank you enough!” – Family of AD


“I sure enjoyed Harbor Haven – good food and service and very good care.” – LS